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Wonderful game :) was very happy with the art style and the lore is fascinating. It's a legitimately difficult RPGmaker game, as others have said. There are some issues with GUI - for instance, the overhead text in the battles was hard to read at times, being black and white bordered text on top of black and white art. Other than that, divno! 

(3 edits) (+1)

A short but challenging RPG with an interesting world! It gets quite surreal near the end as well, but it might be because the idiosyncrasies of the setting are completely alien to me. Well, here's the first part of my playthrough for those of you interested:

While I was very curious about the lore, it was also a head-scratcher. Even when I found a couple secrets that the developer left in, it just made me more confused.

Maybe someone smarter than me can decipher what the heck was going on in the story!


this is pretty good but managing health can be a bit difficult, ended up running out of money for healing items


is there really no way to revive allies T_T this game is so hard


Use the syringe on a live one to create a revive item ^_^


how did i not realize this in my playthrough


sitting by the sidelines, standing by the treeshade in the schoolyard, or by the window in the cafeteria, horrifiedly & anxiously watching as each schoolyard acquaintance & each teacher & each authority figure & innocent animal gleefully march into the maws of a vast & unknowable razistorija, like tin soldiers marching off to war


I enjoyed this game a lot. It's a short one, but hard. I recommend saving often, and in multiple slots. Spoilers below the cut.


Have you ever wished you were special? That this world was not as dull? When I was a child, I spent a long time wishing psychic powers were real. That I could affect the real world with my mind, given enough training. It's been a decade since, and I still yearn.

Blythe answers my yearning directly - your power is real. There is a whole world of people like us, hidden away. But, a finger curls on the monkey's paw, and you remember this world belongs to the adults in charge. Not to you.  They will of course exploit a power such as this. Your fantasy and yearning turned against you, used as bait by power-hungry zealots.

Blythe is about the alienated child. The child who alienates themself, who yearns for a world of meaning which it cannot find in the real. About not finding that world, and instead being swept up by the dregs of the old world, by meddlesome adults and their stupid ideals. Picking up after them.